I enjoy writing, as it helps me organise my thoughts and make sense of things in a way that not-writing never quite manages. I wrote actively for many years when blogs were not really a thing yet, then slowed down and eventually stopped altogether for several years until I slowly started again, but ultimately I ended up keeping the more recent entries private. Overall, the blog was very personal, and over the years I became a more private person. That’s the main reason why I don’t want to just continue my old blog, but if I’m to keep the entries less uncomfortably personal this time, I need to have a variety of subjects to write about.
In June 2014, my life took a sudden, sharp turn as I landed a job in Denmark. I had been looking for a job for almost a year by then, and I’d started to browse jobs in Denmark specifically sometime around January the same year. The reason for that was a new relationship I was in, although I suppose “new” is a somewhat flexible concept when it comes to us. M and I had known each other for a long time over the Internet, and we started dating soon after I was separated from my (now) ex-husband, but we only met in person for the first time in October 2013. However, once that was out of the way, it was in no way unclear that we wanted to be together, and so started the search for ways to achieve that. My getting the job was the last step on that road, and the first step in building a life together.
I moved to Denmark on 29 July 2014, and this blog is about that and all the other things it occurs to me to write about. I’m a forty-something woman, originally from Finland, with a Master’s degree in English navigating life in Denmark with a Danish husband. I like geeky stuff like games, comics, books and movies, so there’s a fair chance I’ll write about related things every now and then. I may also write about music, personal and professional stuff, the awfulness of trying to learn Danish, my profound love of swearing in multiple languages, the occasional funny and/or the even more occasional political observation. Sometimes I write entries in Finnish, but you can use categories to filter those out, should you only wish to read entries in English.