Tag: games

Jaksaa, jaksaa (remontti, osa 5)

Tässä osassa mukaudumme suunnitelmien muutokseen. M sairastui keskiviikkona flunssaan, mikä tietenkin kariutti aikeemme käydä rautakaupassa hakemassa pyöristävää listaa lattian kynnystä varten. Ensimmäisenä sairaspäivänään hän kuitenkin tapetoi urhoollisesti sen ainoan seinänpätkän, jota ei saatu viime viikonloppuna tehtyä valmiiksi, koska piti odotella betonin kuivumista. Lauantaihin mennessä flunssa oli jo selkeästi paranemaan päin, joten tartuimme härkää sarvista ja aloimme maalata suunnitellusti.

Homma meni hyvin siihen asti, että ensimmäisen kerroksen valmistuttua tajusimme, ettei maalia mitenkään olisi tarpeeksi toista saati sitten kolmatta kerrosta varten. Lisäksi maalin kuivuessa kävi selväksi, ettei kyseessä sittenkään tainnut olla aivan sama maali kuin millä seinät ja katto on aiemmin maalattu. Kyseessä oli ns. jämämaali, jonka saimme M:n vanhempien varastosta, ja se on kyllä hyvin lähellä seinien alkuperäistä maalia, mutta sävy on hitusen kylmempi ja mielestäni se kiiltää aavistuksen enemmän. Kyse voi toki olla auringon vaikutuksesta vanhaan maalipintaan ja ehkä betonipölyäkin on sen verran jäljellä, että seinät ja katto vaikuttavat mattapintaisemmilta kuin uusi maalipinta. No, oli miten oli, aivan saumattomaan lopputulokseen ei tällä maalilla päästä.

Näin ollen nyt on edessä uuden maalin osto, ja mietinnässä onkin, että pitäisikö yrittää hankkia vähän mattapintaisempaa maalia vai jatkaa samalla kuin millä nyt aloitettiin. Lopputulos on joka tapauksessa se, ettei maalaus tule tänä viikonloppuna valmiiksi, ja kaiken muun hyvän lisäksi heräsin tänä aamuna itse väsyneenä ja flunssaisena. Jee.

No, näillä mennään kun ei muutakaan ole. Koska eilinen remonttipäivä jäi vähän tyngäksi maalin loputtua, pesin remonttihuoneen kammottavan pölyiset ja muutenkin likaiset ikkunat, jotta saisimme hommia sitä kautta vähän enemmän eteenpäin. Haaveilin peseväni tänään loput kämpän ikkunat, mutta nyt ulkona sataa vettä ja lienee parempi muutenkin keskittyä lepäämiseen, jotta flunssa ei äityisi turhaan pahemmaksi.


Oviaukon korvaava seinä ulkopuolelta (yksi kerros maalia)

Oviaukon korvaava seinä ulkopuolelta (yksi maalikerros)

Oviaukon korvaava seinä sisäpuolelta (yksi maalikerros)

Oviaukon korvaava seinä sisäpuolelta (yksi maalikerros)

Ulkoseinän sauma (kaksi maalikerrosta)

Ulkoseinän sauma (kaksi maalikerrosta)

Katon sauma (kaksi maalikerrosta)

Katon sauma (kaksi maalikerrosta)

Remontti siis jatkuu ensi viikonloppuna, ja ehkäpä se tulee silloin jopa valmiiksi. Ensi viikon torstaina tapahtuu kuitenkin jotain, jota olen odottanut jo pitkään ja jolle olen varannut perjantain lomapäivän kokonaisuudessaan, oli flunssa tai ei. Silloin nimittäin kauan odotettu Mass Effect -pelisarjan seuraava osa pamahtaa Euroopan markkinoille, ja sarjaa alusta asti seuranneen suurfanin koneelta se toki jo löytyy esiladattuna, joten tämä tyttö aikoo sukeltaa Andromeda-galaksin syövereihin heti perjantaina herättyään. Vähän ankean virallisen julkaisutrailerin sijaan linkkaan itselleni enemmän kolahtaneeseen vanhempaan traileriin, jossa näkyy sekä peliä itseään, sen tekoa että minua kiinnostavampi naispuolinen pelihahmovaihtoehto (pelissä voi pelata joko Sara tai Scott Ryderia, joista molemmat ovat pelissä joka tapauksessa):

Getting Back on Track

I ended up being sick for my entire Easter holiday. M recovered a few days before I did, so he got a few not-quite-so-crappy days at the end of it, but I was sniffling and exhausted all the way until work started again. Needless to say, I was not happy, nor did I take it particularly gracefully. My misery was somewhat alleviated by a generous amount of chocolate eggs, but even those were just a band-aid. Nothing could replace the plans we had had, or the wasted beautiful sunny days during which we stayed indoors out of necessity. I was grumpy all through the next work week as well, since we started the month swamped and understaffed, but my mood got slightly better towards the weekend, and yesterday was already very enjoyable. I won’t get another stab at a proper holiday until July, but at least there are some extra days off sprinkled here and there in April and May, so that’ll help a bit.

Yesterday was the only day I could vote in the Finnish parliamentary elections, so as soon as the Honorary Consulate of Finland opened their doors for voters, we made our way there. After a successful (and blessedly short) voting experience, we headed to the city centre for a delicious sushi lunch and some yummy ice cream. We’d been invited for dinner at M’s parents’ place in the evening, so we spent several enjoyable hours there, after which we came home and pretty much went straight to bed.

Today was mostly about catching up with chores, so I finished the work-related translation assignment I started yesterday, after which we cleaned up the apartment, I did my Danish homework, and finally got to spend some quality leisure time by finishing Tomb Raider, which I really enjoyed. It’s also the only AAA single-player game I’ve managed to finish in several years… Dragon Age: Inquisition is currently gathering (proverbial) dust, as I lost interest fairly early on. There’s a number of other titles installed on my hard drive that I’ve either started but not finished or never even started, so hopefully this will be the start of a new era of being able to focus on a single game long enough to finish it.

It’s been a successful weekend, both in terms of having a good time and getting necessary things done, and I think I’ve finally purged the disappointment of the missed Easter holiday from my system. We’ve also made some (hopefully long-lasting and beneficial) changes in our diet and added some vitamin D supplements into the mix, so hopefully there will be less illness in the future. I’m really looking forward to being able to rely on my normal routines without being constantly interrupted by one calamity after another. Also, the weather seems to be getting warmer all the time, so I think it’s fair to say that spring is finally here and summer may be just around the corner! Can’t wait :)

Spring, Chocolate Eggs, Music!

Like I mentioned in the previous post, this week has been insanely hectic. A part of it was the training of a new colleague at work while still trying to make the end-of-the-month project deadline, which meant I was more tired than usually after workdays. Add in the language course evenings and a couple of other lengthy errands I had to run during the week, and suddenly my days were very long indeed. M was gone the entirety of Monday and Tuesday, and the previous weekend didn’t include much together-time, either, since he was embroiled in a forum update project that took the entire weekend (and wasn’t even completely successful, so it will take even more time in the future). By Friday I was pretty much a wreck.

I decided early on in the week that the weekend would be all about relaxing, and what better way to start it than using the Christmas gift card for champagne brunch for two (from M’s uncle and aunt) in an Italian restaurant on a beautiful Saturday morning! The weather was sunny and gorgeous, so I wore a skirt and a pair of high heels to celebrate spring. The food was delightful, and we had a terrific time. Afterwards we shopped for some Easter eggs for next week, and while my collection isn’t nearly complete yet, we did make a few good discoveries. I fully plan to sample all the different chocolate/marzipan eggs they have here to see which ones I like the best.

The rest of the day went by with both of us lazing about. I played some Guild Wars 2, we watched last week’s episode of Vikings and later a movie (Whiplash). It was just what I needed to let go of the week. Today I might even consider doing something useful… I still have one or two days of work next week, but the rest of it is definitely off, and the language course is also on a break for a week and a half. I’m so looking forward to a little spring break!

In other, completely unrelated news, I’ve been listening to Von Hertzen Brothers’ new album New Day Rising on Spotify. I liked their first album quite a bit, but after that (and especially following one really unimpressive festival gig that left me completely cold) I sort of lost interest in the band altogether. I was really surprised to discover I like the new album a lot. For now it has completely replaced my other recent favourite (Say Lou Lou’s Lucid Dreaming), which continues my current trend of falling in love with female Nordic electro-pop artists for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to me, but hey, if it works.

Lost and Found

I took a day off work today because I can’t stop randomly bursting into tears. I’m generally highly practiced with keeping my emotions in check, but right now I need a little time to adjust.

See, I have a friend, L. We’ve known each other for several years, but I don’t know her real name, age, address, phone number, email or really any “relevant” details. I’m not even 100 % sure she is a she, it’s just an assumption made based on several years’ worth of interaction online. She’s the most private person I know, but for the past four years or so, I have spent more time with her on a weekly basis than probably any of my RL friends simply by virtue of sharing a gaming hobby. For the past two or so years, we’ve had weekly get-togethers where we’d play together for a few hours and talk about all kinds of things while we were at it. That is, until the start of last October when she suddenly vanished.

At first, I was mildly concerned but not particularly alarmed, because she has disappeared for short periods of time before. I contacted her via the website we generally use to communicate, but she didn’t reply, and I could see that she hadn’t even read the messages. She didn’t log on to any of the sites/games we normally use, and as time passed, I got more and more worried. No one had heard from her. Still, she’s really private, so there was a possibility she simply wanted to take some time off. I kept writing to her every now and then, but there was never any reply. And eventually so much time passed that I began believing the worst. I contacted the only person I knew who might have some additional means of contacting L, and she promised to try, but nothing came of it. Another friend suggested we’d contact a few of the services we all use to see if the administrators would agree to pass our contact details on to L. We tried it, but the only answer we got was “privacy policy, we can’t do this”. Eventually we gave up.

I’ve been writing to her every now and then, just to reach out in case one day she might show up. I stopped believing she would, but a part of me would just stubbornly hold on, which was worse than being able to let go. Not knowing what had happened was really the worst thing. It was like she was lost at sea; no body to say goodbye to. Eventually I decided to give her until her birthday, which is in March. (I don’t know her actual birthday, because she refused to tell me, so I made up a date and dragged her out to celebrate it with me every year. It’s usually been dinner and quality time with my RL friends, and with her it was a few hours of shooting up aliens and talking bull.) I planned to write a eulogy on that date and post it to the group we used to frequent, just to say goodbye and let other people say something if they wanted to.

This morning I got a message from the friend who had tried to contact L earlier. She had just gotten a reply, and it turns out L suffered a stroke in October, and she’s been in recovery all this time. She very nearly didn’t make it, and she’s forgotten the passwords to the services and websites we normally use. I don’t know how bad the situation is exactly, as the message I got was short, but she’s alive, and she sent me a hi, so I assume she at least remembers me. I don’t know what she’s lost in terms of motor skills and such, but she’s alive, and there’s a chance she’ll be a part of my life again some day. It felt like I’d been holding my breath for months and suddenly I could release it. I just started crying, and I haven’t really been able to stop since.

I’ve tried so hard not to be upset about her disappearance. I’ve lost people before, and it hurts, but that’s life for you. You take the bad with the good, and you just have to appreciate the time you do get to spend with the people you love. I don’t know if I’ll get her back as the kind of friend I used to have her as, but she’s still out there, and that means she’s still within reach. There is still hope. Maybe one day I’ll write that eulogy, but it’s not going to be just yet, and for that I’m so incredibly grateful, you have no idea.

Today the world is a bit brighter than it was yesterday.

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