Tag: Easter


Kevät alkaa olla jo aika pitkällä ja ihanat valkoiset kukat kukkivat puissa. Silmua pukkaa joka paikkaan ja meidänkin pihalla kasvaa ainakin kolmenlaisia kukkia. Tänään pyöräilin töistä kotiin ilman hanskoja eikä palellut yhtään.

Jäin juuri lomalle. Seuraavan reilun viikon ajan aion:

  • Viettää laatuaikaa rakkaani kanssa, koska päiviimme tulee vihdoin mahtumaan muutakin kuin remonttia ja stressiä.
  • Syödä mm. pääsiäismunia, sushia, tavallista herkullisempaa aamiaista ja juoda kuplivaa.
  • Rentoutua oikein olan takaa.
  • Olla ajattelematta ja/tai ajatella mukavia asioita.
  • Lukea kirjaa.
  • Pelata.
  • Käydä kävelyllä, elokuvissa, ehkä myös katsomassa eläimiä.
  • Tehdä uudelleenjärjestelyä kotona.
  • Olla hiljaa ja/tai yksin silloin kun huvittaa.
  • Nauttia elämästä.

Voi olla, että teen jotain muutakin, tai ehkä jotain jää tekemättä. Aivan sama. Just nyt en jaksa olla vastuussa mistään, eikä onneksi tarvikaan.

Getting Back on Track

I ended up being sick for my entire Easter holiday. M recovered a few days before I did, so he got a few not-quite-so-crappy days at the end of it, but I was sniffling and exhausted all the way until work started again. Needless to say, I was not happy, nor did I take it particularly gracefully. My misery was somewhat alleviated by a generous amount of chocolate eggs, but even those were just a band-aid. Nothing could replace the plans we had had, or the wasted beautiful sunny days during which we stayed indoors out of necessity. I was grumpy all through the next work week as well, since we started the month swamped and understaffed, but my mood got slightly better towards the weekend, and yesterday was already very enjoyable. I won’t get another stab at a proper holiday until July, but at least there are some extra days off sprinkled here and there in April and May, so that’ll help a bit.

Yesterday was the only day I could vote in the Finnish parliamentary elections, so as soon as the Honorary Consulate of Finland opened their doors for voters, we made our way there. After a successful (and blessedly short) voting experience, we headed to the city centre for a delicious sushi lunch and some yummy ice cream. We’d been invited for dinner at M’s parents’ place in the evening, so we spent several enjoyable hours there, after which we came home and pretty much went straight to bed.

Today was mostly about catching up with chores, so I finished the work-related translation assignment I started yesterday, after which we cleaned up the apartment, I did my Danish homework, and finally got to spend some quality leisure time by finishing Tomb Raider, which I really enjoyed. It’s also the only AAA single-player game I’ve managed to finish in several years… Dragon Age: Inquisition is currently gathering (proverbial) dust, as I lost interest fairly early on. There’s a number of other titles installed on my hard drive that I’ve either started but not finished or never even started, so hopefully this will be the start of a new era of being able to focus on a single game long enough to finish it.

It’s been a successful weekend, both in terms of having a good time and getting necessary things done, and I think I’ve finally purged the disappointment of the missed Easter holiday from my system. We’ve also made some (hopefully long-lasting and beneficial) changes in our diet and added some vitamin D supplements into the mix, so hopefully there will be less illness in the future. I’m really looking forward to being able to rely on my normal routines without being constantly interrupted by one calamity after another. Also, the weather seems to be getting warmer all the time, so I think it’s fair to say that spring is finally here and summer may be just around the corner! Can’t wait :)

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