Okay, so January has been unexpectedly hard. Work has been stressing me out for a number of reasons, but today I got to work from home since we finished our main project a day early, and I had some database work to do that can be done from anywhere with an Internet connection. And it was so relaxing! I could listen to music, there was no one talking around me (and I didn’t have to talk!), and as soon as I was done, the weekend could begin. I wouldn’t want to work from home all the time, but every now and then it is just peachy, and today I think I really needed it.
I’ve been pondering my relationship with my job a lot this month. It has been harder now than it was last year, and there was a moment earlier this week when I genuinely felt like I wanted to give up. Instead I chose to consciously change my attitude towards it, or at least try my damnedest from now on. I have a plan for February now, and hopefully towards the summer things will become easier.
Eventually, however, I do need to decide what I want to do with myself, career-wise. Maybe not this year, but I can’t wait forever with it, either. What I’m doing now is fine for the time being, but it’s not a long-term solution, and I need to find something that could be. (This subject deserves a longer, less vague post, but I’m tired and I’ve stared at the screen way too much today as it is. Plus there’s the fact that I still don’t know how detailed I want to be about work-related things here. Still, I predict more musings about this in the future, so stay tuned!)